
What is this section about?

Alina Fischer

Last Update một tháng trước

In this article, you will learn everything about the "Documents" section on our platform. Here, you can centrally collect and manage all important documents.

  • Internal: These are the documents you have uploaded yourself. This section gives you a complete overview of all files you have uploaded.

  • Shared with me: In this section, you will find all the documents shared with you by your partners. This ensures that you always have access to shared files.

  • Usage: Here, you can see how many Impact Claims a document is used for.

Adding a new document

To upload a new document, click on Add new document. You can then upload a PDF document via drag-and-drop. The maximum file size is 5 MB.

You can adjust various settings in the document form:

  • Document Title: Give the document a unique name.

  • Document Type: Select the appropriate type, e.g., certificate, report, or statement.

  • Confidentiality Level: Determine who can view the document.

  • Issued Date & Expiry Date: Enter the issuance and expiration dates.

If you want to use a document for an Impact Claim, the issue and expiration dates must be clearly visible on the document. For reports, the automatic expiration date is set to one year, after which the document needs to be renewed.

You can edit and update documents later if needed.

Confidentiality level

The confidentiality level determines who can view your document:

  • Public: Visible to everyone, including consumers, if the document is used as proof for an Impact Claim.

  • Private: Only users from your organization can view this document. If used as proof for an Impact Claim, it can also be reviewed by Seedtrace but remains hidden from all others.

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