Supply chains

Add products and map supply chains

Alina Fischer

Last Update 4 tháng trước

In this article, we explain how to use the Supply Chains section of our platform to manage your products and supply chains. The Supply Chains section is the central place to create, manage, and prepare your supply chains for external communication.

Add new products

To map your supply chains, you first need to create your products on the platform. A product is a finished end product (e.g., a nut butter) that can consist of one or multiple components.


  1. Navigate to the Supply Chains section of the platform.
  2. Click the Add new product button.
  3. Enter all relevant information about the product, such as name and article number. For example, we created the product "Nut Butter Apple Crumble" in the screenshot below.
  4. Under Default language, set the language in which you want to set up the product.
  5. Under Product URL, you can adjust the URL under which the product page will later be published.
  6. Click Continue.

If your product is to be published in multiple languages, you can later customize and publish product pages for multiple languages.

Supply chain mapping

After creating your product, you can map its supply chain, covering all steps from raw material to finished end product.

  1. Click the Map supply chain button. You will be directed to our Mapping Tool.

Tip: You can take a guided tour of the Mapping Tool at any time by clicking the Restart guided tour button in the top right corner.

2. Click the New supply chain button.

3. You now have the option to import existing component chains or map the supply chain from scratch. Using component chains can be particularly helpful if you have multiple different ingredients or various origins/processing steps for the same ingredient.

To learn how to create component chains, check out our relevant Helpdesk article.

4. Add all suppliers, production sites, and other relevant activities and details.

5. Connect the activities to visualize the flow of your supply chain.

Importing component chains

If you have already created individual component chains, you can import these into your supply chain. This is especially time-saving when dealing with multiple ingredients and it allows for the reuse of individual component chains across different products.


  1. Click Import component chains.
  2. Select all component chains that are part of the supply chain.
  3. Click Import selected.
  4. Review the connections between the activities. You can then add further processing steps to the supply chain, such as Manufacturing, and integrate all component chains into this step. The colored dots between the activities indicate the connections (see screenshot above).

Using Supply Chains in Communication

The supply chains created in the Supply Chains section can later be used in the Communication section to publish product pages. Once published, these pages are accessible to your customers, consumers, or other stakeholders and display the products in the form of a product journey.

To access the product page of your mapped supply chain, click on Product page. For each created supply chain, a product page with the status “Draft” is automatically created in the system.

For more information on communication, please refer to the Helpdesk articles in the “Communication” category or our FAQs.

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